This year's benefit concert at the Sons of Erin in Westfield was a great success!
Thanks to the event committee headed by Kathleen Duquette for their many hours of work to make this event a success. Special thanks to the entire Duquette family, the Friends of Erin, and our volunteer crew for their support of the event.
The event featured a talented performer (Billy Eagen & the Rising), great food (Saucy Mama & North Elm Butcher Block) as well as the Ice Cream Emergency and desserts from Patty Cakes.
We appreciate the generosity of all who donated raffle prizes, especially Smith & Wesson and the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department. Also, Soapy Noble Car Wash, the Veterans Dragon Boat, Hampden County Sheriff’s Mounted unit, the MA State Police Canine Team and Boomer, the Thunderbirds mascot.
